Wednesday, November 11, 2015

The hip and thigh

The lower limb, similar in structure to the upper, is modified by its functions of support and propulsion of the body. During its development there is rotation medially on its long axis, so that the flexion surface lies posterior and the sole of the foot faces backwards and then downwards. The pelvic girdle, unlike the pectoral girdle, is firmly attached to the vertebral column, which allows the transmission of the body's weight through it to the lower limb. In the standing position the center of gravity passes behind the hip and in front of the knee and ankle joints. The weight is distributed between the heel and the balls of the toes, most of it being carried by bones and ligaments, with only a minimal amount of muscle activity being required to maintain balance.

The Deep Fascia

 The deep fascia of the gluten region and thigh forms a investigating layer, the fascia lats, from which medial and later inter muscular septa divide the thigh muscles into distinct com departments. Proximal it is attached in a continuous line to the inguinal ligament, lilac crest, posterior sacrum, sacra tuberous ligament, Islamophobic rams and the body of the pubic . Three centimeters below and 1 cm lateral to the pubic tubercle an oval deficiency in the fascia, the sousaphones opening, transmits the great sousaphones vein. The fascia lam is thickened on the lateral side of the thigh, the tibial tract, which is attached distally to the lateral tibial cotyledon. Glutenous maxims and tensor fascias latte gait Impeachment to the tract. Thus they may assist in extension and mobilization of the knee. Over the political fossa the fascia is by the small sousaphones vein. The fascia a is rather like a pair of women's tights.

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