Micro biology

The Microbial  Cell 

Why did you decide to make a career in microbiology?

 I was first inspired by the report of my college roommate at Purdue University about a wonderful bacteriology professor Dr. Dorothy Powell, probably one of only two women at Purdue who were full professors at the time. I enrolled in Powell's course and was truly inspired by this remarkable woman who was so interested in microbiology and made it fascinating for her students. 

What is it like to study this organism?

the most complex health related articles facing humanity today  is naturally occurring (in the environment outside humans) and therefore can never be eradicated it carries out important functions in the environment and significant among these is its ability to digest chitin the structural component of shellfish and many zooplankton. It is at once a recycling agent and a public health threat in the form of the massive epidemics of cholera that it causes.

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