New Ideas

In the twentieth century. science and technology have improved our lives dramatically. Most of us in the tither countries live longer, healthier lives than our ancestors. We enjoy a very high standard of living. We own cars and videos, live in warm. dry houses, and have plenty of food and clean water. But the disadvantages of such progress art that we have moved away from nature and polluted our environment This in turn has endangered our health. Many aspects of life am now artificial. Food is processed, crops are sprayed with pesticides and drugs are made from chemicals. We live in towns and cities from which nature has been banished and replaced with cars and tower blocks. While many people appreciate the good aspects of life today. they also reseal the damage that has been done to the environment. They understand that, for the planet Earth to survive for future generations, we must take action now to prevent pollution and to stop funeral resources from being wasted. Environmental, or "green", concern has become a main consideration affecting bow people choose to live. Foe instance, people are choosing organic foods, which have been grown without the use of artificial pesticides or fertilizes. They believe these are better for their health, and that organic fanning is better for the environment.

Similarly, they prefer natural remedies to chemical drugs, on the basis that the natural remedies are usually gentle and low risk and have not been tested on animals. The green approach causes people to rethink their whole value system, and find out what is important to them. Instead of a lifestyle where it is important to have a high status job and to own bigger cars and better houses. many people now choose a less hectic, lees materialistic way of life, in which good physical and mental health am important. People seek not just absence from disease. but "positive health", through a healthy diet, keeping fit and avoiding stress.environmental science in the case of the southern tropics. People understand that there is a connection between mind and body, and are interested in belief systems from other cultures which place a high value on achieving inner peace and harmony. Television and foreign travel have allowed people to learn more about the beliefs of other cultures and religions, which offer a spiritual alternative to materialism. Green thinkers stress that an open minded attitude to all the different beliefs and ways of life of peoples around the world gives the best hope of people working together for the future of the planet. Everyone has a valuable contribution to make.

The bodies of all living things are made of tiny living units called Cells These cells could be seen through a high powered  microscope. a cell is composed of some slimy matter called Protoplasm. Some of these cells are enclosed inside a Cell wall.

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