Monday, April 13, 2015

The Feedback Effect

In "Penputires on the .trues Sharkskin Sat-Ice Cone," Mark Sneeze. Mink, InJuhenn. CometImes the Untrenory of (nloradn and the National Center Am Atinmplices Rowellboth in Boulderhate mammal the trends to Anew senke num since tn. Windt of this work has teen bawd on satellite mugn and deemed nurowan data The data showMet anew kc Cutts is any prep mouth hat elochned m the Toned t929ownwpb the decrease egret rally model (is, September. the month in winds (he ice cover h types ally minimal. For that o ash. the act Ion betoken men and 0th amounted to an area the ore of A Mankind the 2005 Se men feat the Invent is so nun, according to ukase DNA and a sine circumflex rep mu lee lam II row only affected Inc Meal innate warming it is also influenced by ocean an mean•atmospherics coupling the may miry from year to year. i >ewe< these Moon. the articulation of enthrallment gum plan a wry or it is mint role. and the model. used In the !ICC did seasonably well at die obey( the changes this had occurred during the townee penal What doer this tell us about dissemble futures? An especially important skeet tithe low Cd Arctic ice a who n called the see -stem feedback cycle An re outface reflects a IMO all Impinging airman. whereof the dark rulers« Me +en the ice melts alienation light. Including the longwerelength iodation char warms the mime Lyre "I Me wall. in nun. delay further ire formation n closet approache and will smack to thinnerirc  in the follovring wank Thin the diem of global winning at high Latitude, exert. an additional inflames on the divine lulante Interest in high - Inuude to Is 904 fellrlf led to what kens en the sea surface. Antarctica and (Cantina are covered wick inamive cc l.20. YAM I) haft amused attrition because cri them potential truculence on global WON Levitt which would me 11 about 70 ti 11 111 their ice were to met The tram of a Lake Oat Kr TV delineated by the amount of mow added by superstate. Iamb may be expected to rue at gleul warming takes place input ef new ice if balanced by low through mauves. which will alsoilOat•SC 10 rate at the teannuute a infututei It chew two are in oquilibnem. the ice cap or glacier is and to be in nuts balance klenutentents tithe Chetah/0 Ice Cap tend to thou a low but pm atiallifl foe Antarctica have rem different *amen to the question of whether that Ile cap if lining to gaining nun_ Andrew Shepherd and 'human Wingham. espeets Mon two Centre. for Polk Obke anion and Modelling, repot( what has mote km-tidy been learned from satellite-based measurement, of tlw mass imbalance in Antarctica and the Gtemland he Cop Some of thew are coon ;on tithe granuttinal 'Mattoon of the ke rheas. other, Me altimeter cc inectlemenetry mean renentt that can be used to tokabte man The methods do on abort. ..gee fey The aulhon ate ate autlxlen able to reach tonic fOnek072112 tic (001ribLe101% of Laws to mop balance to global wa Iffel rur lbw WTI CPU7 to be rather mutt nrcounring Ss cede • little more Men nat-senth of de observed annual sea loci gam of to min per year lhat it a very una II coate-wenn compared with neumus cermet

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